Αchaiki Iatriki Volume 35, Issue 1, April 2016 |

Board Instructions |
1 |
Letter from the Editor |
The duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after acute coronary syndromes or percutaneous coronary coronary intervention in clinical practice Nicholas Kounis |
14 |
Editorial |
Natural Paradigm: Kounis Hypersensitivity-associated Acute Coronary Syndrome Nicholas Kounis |
16 |
Clinical Study |
The effects of Passive Smoking on Children Garyfallia Antoniou, Sophia Panayotidou, Dimitrios Lianas |
22 |
Chronic Viral Hepatitis and the effects in the professional activity: Retrospective study of patients admitted to a University Hospital Theodoros A. Theodorakopoulos, Euaggelos Alexopoulos |
32 |
Review |
Periprosthetic infection - A real Challenge of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Basic knowledge, New data, Controversies, Techniques and review of literature Ioannis Papaioannou, Andreas Baikousis, Panagiotis Korovessis |
38 |
Cell Signaling Pathways in Cancer Pathogenesis - Part I Nikolaos A Chrysanthakopoulos |
52 |
Interesting Case |
Type 2 diabetes with ketoacidosis in adolescence followed by a steep increase in body mass index, hypertension and adverse serum lipid profile. Alphonsus N Onyiriuka Sylvester O Oriafo |
70 |
IEDEP News |
Achaia Medical Days 2016 Patras 9 & 10 of April 2016 |
77 |
Αchaiki Iatriki Volume 35, Issue 2, October 2016

Board Instructions |
81 |
Letter from the Editor |
Aren't we what we eat? Nicholas Kounis |
86 |
Editorial |
Abdominal Stent Graft-induced anaphylaxis: Kounis or not Kounis syndrome Nicholas Kounis |
88 |
Antidotes of the New Direct Oral Anticoagulants Stavros K Kakkos MD, MSc, PhD, RVT,Ioannis A Tsolakis MD, PhD |
90 |
Clinical Study |
Congenital Malformations in Newborns as seen in a Secondary Healthcare Institution in Benin City, Nigeria Alphonsus N Onyiriuka, Sandra O Edorhe, Chinedu L Onyiriuka |
93 |
Anaphylaxis in the Emergency Department Dimitra Tsili, George Christopoulos, Konstantinos Stamatiou |
104 |
Review |
Cell Signaling Pathways in Cancer Pathogenesis - Part II Nikolaos A Chrysanthakopoulos |
111 |
Thrombosis of the popliteal artery aneurysm Ioannis Ntouvas, Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos, Chrysanthi Papageorgopoulou, Anastasia Kouri, Georgios Lampropoulos, Ioannis Tsolakis |
127 |
Practicing Physician |
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis in farmers: The Farmer’s Lung Ioannis K Galariotis |
135 |
History of Medicne |
Τhe Treatment of Hypertension during 1930-1940 Decade* Antonis Christopoulos, Irini Katsarou, Eleni Papageorgiou |
140 |
Special Article |
The abortion in Ecclesiastic Law Archimandrite Cyril Kostopoulos
147 |
Speech and Language Dr Αndreas I. Mitropoulos |
151 |
Αchaiki Iatriki Volume 34, Issue 2, October 2015 |

Board Instructions |
83 |
Letter from the Editor |
Some basic Principles for the New Oral Anticoagulants, the General Practitioner and the Specialty Primary Care Physician Nicholas Kounis, Patras, Greece |
87 |
Editorial |
Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Likurgos Kolilekas, Spyros A Papiris, Demosthenes Bouros, Athens, Greece |
90 |
THE PRAY. The Need and the Breathing of the Soul Αndreas I. Mitropoulos, Patras, Greece |
93 |
Research Study |
Evaluation of the communication policy of the Greek Health Authorities during the management of H1N1 influenza pandemic George Karampoutakis, Athens, Greece |
98 |
Review |
Rare Localizations of Genital Leiomyomas in Woman’s System Ioannis K Thanasas, Maria Boursiani, Trikala, Greece |
113 |
The Timely Diagnosis of Lung Cancer: Contemporary Data Ioannis K Galariotis, Kalliopi Georgitsa-Galarioti, Patras, Greece |
124 |
Interesting Case |
Acute Eosinophilic Myocarditis Mimicking Acute Myocardial Infarction Eleutherios Papavasiliou, Veroia, Ioannis Vogiatzis, Thessaloniki, Greece |
130 |
History of Medicine |
Τhe History of Hemodialysis Ilias Kyritsis, Athens, Konstantina Trigka, Patras, Greece |
137 |
IEDEP News |
Achaia Medical Days 2015, Patras 28 & 29 of March 2015 |
142 |
IEDEP Anouncements |
Precongress Meeting of 12th Panpeloponnese Medical Congress December 4-5, 2015, Kastro - Monemvasia, Greece |
146 |
Achaia Medical Days 2016, Patras 8 – 10 of March 2016 |
151 |
KORINTHOS MEDICAL ASSOSSIATION - 12th Panpeloponnese Medical Congress - October 2016 |
151 |
Glossary-Volume 34, 2015 |
149 |
Authors-Volume 34, 2015 |
151 |
Thanks to Reviewers-Volume 34, 2015 |
152 |
Αchaiki Iatriki Volume 34, Issue 1, April 2015 |

Board Instructions
1 |
Letter from the Editor |
March 2015, Achaic Medical Days - "The Physician meets the Surgeon" Nikolaos Kounis, Patra, Greece |
14 |
Editorials |
The Clinical Paradox of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: The Immune Mechanism of Heparin acting as thrombotic agent! Nikolaos Kounis, Patras, Greece |
15 |
Wheezing and Asthma after Respiratory Syncytial Virus bronchiolitis in infancy Stiliani Malliori, Physician Michael Β Anthracopoulos, Professor Department of Pediatrics, University of Patras Medical School, Patras, Greece |
19 |
Clinical Study |
Assessment of Periodontal Disease Indices in Coronary Heart Disease Patients: a Case-Control Study Nikolaos A Chrysanthakopoulos, Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, 401 General Military Hospital of Athens, Athens, Greece Aggelos A Oikonomou Practicing Physician, Internal Medicine, Patras, Achaia Greece |
24 |
The Μulti-injured Patient in the Urban Environment Vanessa Gardikou, Tzanio General Hospital of Piraeus Emergency Department George Christopoulos Second Internal Medicine Department Konstantinos Stamatiou Department of Urology, Tzanio General Hospital of Piraeus, Piraieus, Greece |
38 |
Review |
Pyelonephritis and Pregnancy Ioannis K Thanasas Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology, Trikala State General Hospital, Trikala, Τhessalia, Greece |
46 |
Interesting Case |
Retroperitoneal Sarcomas: Α Rare Tumor - Case Report and Review of the Literature Ioannis Papaioannou, Georgia Pantazidou, Athanasios Karagiannis, Athanasios Zavervinos Department of Surgery, State General Hospital of Lefkas, Lefkas, Greece |
55 |
Pyoderma gangrenosum complicating asymptomatic ulcerative colitis Ourania Kyriakopoulou, Ioanna Chalimou, Aggeliki Fragkoulia Department of Internal Medicine,"Saint Andrews" State General Hospital, Patras, Achaia, Greece |
59 |
Special Article |
Ultrasound During Pregnancy: Are there any Biologic Consequences to the foetus? Nicholeta Hatziconstantinou, Constantina Baroutsi, Maria Karagianni, Nicholas Koutelas, Nicholas Bambos Department of Radiology and Ultrasound, "Saint Panteleimon" State General Hospital, Nikaia, Piraieus, Greece |
66 |
History of Medicine |
"Alice in Wonderland" and the occupational diseases Irini Katsarou General Hospital of Zakynthos, Renal Unit, Zakynthos, Greece Tsvetan Bankov School of English Graduate - AUTH, Philologist, Zakynthos, Greece |
73 |
Αchaiki Iatriki Volume 33, Issue 2, October 2014 |

Board Instructions
Letter from the Editor |
11th Panpeloponnese Medical Congress, October 17-19, Patras, Greece Nikolaos Kounis, Patra, Greece |
Editorial |
Physicians Urge End to Unnecessary Stent insertions Nikolaos Kounis, Patras, Greece |
87 |
Research Study |
Management and Emergency Department. Principles of staffing management in the emergency department: What kind of human behavior should be preferred, which not and why Georgios D Soufras, Patras, Greece |
89 |
Clinical Study |
Sleep Disorders in elderly Rural Population of Western Greece George Merekoulias, Elizabeth Sahount, Ioanna Chalimou, Paraskeui Loukopoulou, Dimitrios Lianas, Patras, Greece |
95 |
Assessment of Health Status in Greek Population in the Years of Economic Crisis Nikolaos Noulas, Korinthos, Greece |
104 |
Review |
Controversies in Colorectal Cancer Surgical Treatment Fotios Karvelas, Petros Katralis, Georgios Pilihos, Maria Zerva, Georgios Kazantzis, Georgios Bonanos, Patras, Greece |
121 |
Interesting Case |
Anaphylactic Shock During Hemodialysis Manifesting as Kounis syndrome Andreas Mazarakis, Konstantinos Bardousis, George Almpanis, Ira Mazaraki, Athanasios Ouzounis, Nicholas G Kounis, Patras, Greece |
124 |
Known Unknown |
Supravaginal Hysterectomy Christos Anagnostopoulos, Patras, Greece |
134 |
Letter to the Editor |
Βreast Cancer in Pregnancy and Radiation Therapy Maria Pittaka, Dimitrios Kardamakis, Patras, Greece |
135 |
Special Article |
May the Tears of Crisis and Desperation Become Fatherland Andrew Mitropoulos, Patras, Greece |
139 |
Glossary |
142 |
Αchaiki Iatriki Volume 31, Issue 2, October 2012 |
Αchaiki Iatriki Volume 32, Issue 2, October 2013 |
Αchaiki Iatriki Volume 32, Issue 1, Αpril 2013 |
Αchaiki Iatriki Volume 31, Issue 1, April 2012 |
Αchaiki Iatriki Volume 30, Issue 2, October 2011 |